- 时间:2024-07-23 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:A newly discovered bug in Apples FaceTime software lets Apple users listen in on the people they are calling, and even see through their front-facing camera, without them picking-up the call.新发现的苹果手机FaceTime软件(苹果手机内置的一款视频通话软件)漏洞使苹果用户可以监听他们
A newly discovered bug in Apples FaceTime software lets Apple users listen in on the people they are calling, and even see through their front-facing camera, without them picking-up the call.新发现的苹果手机FaceTime软件(苹果手机内置的一款视频通话软件)漏洞使苹果用户可以监听他们所调用之人,甚至在他们没接电话的情况下,通过他们手机的前置摄像头看见他们。The bug was quickly recreated by people across social media. CNN confirmed the bug multiple times in its own tests.人们很快地在社交媒体上新的了这一漏洞。美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)通过多次测试证实了这一漏洞。
Apple said in a statement Monday night that it has identified a fix for the problem and will release it in a software update later this week. In the meantime, Apples website indicates Group FaceTime is unavailable, and the company confirmed it has started disabling the Group FaceTime feature for all users.周一晚上苹果公司在一份声明中回应,该公司早已寻找解决问题这一问题的办法,并将于本周晚些时候公布软件改版。与此同时,苹果公司回应,群聊版FaceTime早已无法用于,该公司证实它已开始停止使用所有用户的FaceTime群聊功能。The bug works on iPhones and iPads running iOS 12.1, and Apple PCs running macOS Mojave, which have the recently added Group FaceTime feature.用于iOS 12.1操作系统的苹果手机和苹果平板电脑以及用于macOS Mojave操作系统的苹果电脑都不存在这一漏洞,最近苹果公司为这些设备打开了FaceTime群聊功能。
When the bug is activated, the person who initiated the call is able to hear the live audio on the other persons phone, even though the recipient has not accepted the call. And their screen gives no indication that their conversation is being transmitted. In some cases, the bug can also show live video of the other person if they press a volume button to dismiss the call.当苹果手机的这个漏洞被启动时,发动调用的一方则需要听见被调用一方的现场音频,即使被调用方没接电话。而且,他们的手机屏幕并会表明他们的对话正在被直播。
在某些情况下,如果被调用方按下音量键来拒接电话,该漏洞还可以直播视频。CNN editor Brian Ries successfully used it on friends, family members and a colleague, and in one instance was even able to see video of the people he was calling.CNN编辑布莱恩·里斯顺利地利用该漏洞偷偷了朋友、家人和一位同事的电话,有一次甚至还需要看见被调用方的动态视频。
To avoid falling victim to the bug, please disable FaceTime on all your devices until Apples software updates have been released.为了防止沦为这一漏洞的受害者,在苹果手机公布软件改版之前,请求停止使用你所有设备上的FaceTime功能。
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