- 时间:2024-05-29 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:Momo, a location-based social networking app for strangers, ranked No. 1 in terms of yearly revenue on the iOS App Store in China during 2015, according to San Francisco-based app analytics firm App Annie.根据2015年旧金山移动数据分析领航者App Annie讲解,陌陌,
Momo, a location-based social networking app for strangers, ranked No. 1 in terms of yearly revenue on the iOS App Store in China during 2015, according to San Francisco-based app analytics firm App Annie.根据2015年旧金山移动数据分析领航者App Annie讲解,陌陌,一款基于地理位置、为陌生人服务的社交网络软件,在2015年中国的iOS应用于商店收益名列中名列第一。Momo is followed by Baidu and Tencent in the annual iOS revenue ranking list. App Annie bases the ranking on download revenue from individually downloaded paid apps as well as in-app purchase revenue from both individually downloaded apps and app bundles.在iOS公司收益排行榜中,陌陌所属公司的名列也紧跟百度公司和腾讯公司之后。
App Annie分析讲解,这个收益排行榜是基于苹果商店的收费应用于iTunes收益及应用于内购得收益展开统计资料名列的。The popular app has gained widespread traction through its find-and-flirt capabilities. It also ranks second in the non-game app category in China.陌陌软件因其“随时约会”的特性而受到冷玉女。
在中国所有非游戏软件类别中,陌陌的名列也位列第二名。Momo members reached 3.3 million, membership subscription revenues were $16.0 million in the third quarter of 2015, and mobile marketing revenues $10.8 million, according to its third-quarter earnings report.根据第三季度收益报表表明,陌陌的用户量高达330万,2015年第三季度会员收益酬劳总计1600万美元,移动营销收益超过了1080万美元。
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