- 时间:2024-02-01 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:Chinese scientists have developed a plastic that degrades in seawater and could help curb the increasingly serious plastic pollution in the oceans.我国科学家近日研制出一种可在海水中水解的塑料,或将有助掌控日益严重的海洋塑料污染问题。
Chinese scientists have developed a plastic that degrades in seawater and could help curb the increasingly serious plastic pollution in the oceans.我国科学家近日研制出一种可在海水中水解的塑料,或将有助掌控日益严重的海洋塑料污染问题。The new polyester composite material can decompose in seawater over a period ranging from a few days to several hundred days, leaving small molecules that cause no pollution, said Wang Gexia, a senior engineer at the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.中国科学院化学系技术研究所高级工程师王格侠讲解,这种新型的聚酯复合材料可在数天到数百天内在海中水解,最后分解成为会对环境导致污染的小分子。For a long time, people focused on white pollution on land. Plastic pollution in the seas only caught peoples attention when more and more reports about marine animals dying from it appeared in recent years, said Wang.王格侠回应:“长期以来人们注目的都是陆地上的白色污染。以后近几年,有关海洋生物因塑料污染丧生的报导更加多,海洋塑料污染才引发人们的注目。
”Scientists combined non-enzymic hydrolysis, water dissolution and biodegradation processes to design and invent the new material.科学家将非酶胆水解、水沉淀和生物降解的过程联系一起,设计并发明者了这种新型材料。About 4.8 million to 12.7 million ton of plastic waste goes into the seas very year, accounting for 60% to 80% of the total solid pollutants in the oceans, according to a conservative estimate by scientists.据科学家激进估算,人类每年向海洋弃置的塑料垃圾大约为480万至1270万吨,占到海洋液体污染物总量的60%-80%。The institute has authorized four Chinese enterprises to use their technology, with three enterprises going into production with a total annual capacity of half the global biodegradable plastics, or 75,000 tons.目前,该研究所已许可4家国内企业用于其技术,其中3家早已投产,可生物降解塑料总生产能力超过每年7.5万吨,占到全球总量的一半。
China has given top priority to ecological environmental protection, contributing Chinese wisdom to resolving global pollution.中国早已将生态环境保护放到了第一位,为解决问题全球污染问题贡献了中国的智慧。
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