- 时间:2024-01-30 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:Google is planning to expand its presence in China, Eric Schmidt, chairman of the search giants holding company, has said.搜索引擎巨人——谷歌董事长埃里克·施密特回应,谷歌计划将不断扩大其在中国的现有规模。
Google is planning to expand its presence in China, Eric Schmidt, chairman of the search giants holding company, has said.搜索引擎巨人——谷歌董事长埃里克·施密特回应,谷歌计划将不断扩大其在中国的现有规模。Google search left the Chinese mainland in 2010, after the company said it would no longer self-censor results.谷歌搜寻于2010年离开了中国大陆。之前,谷歌公司称之为将仍然公布任何自我审查结果。
It also accused the Chinese government of being behind a cyber-attack on it and many other tech companies.当时,该公司指控中国政府是网络攻击谷歌和其他技术公司的幕后黑手。Mr Schmidt echoed comments by Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who said last week some services would return.上周,谷歌的联合创始人谢尔盖·布林回应,谷歌的一些服务将不会重返中国。
施密特也针对该评论指出自己的态度。During a speech at the Tech Crunch Beijing conference, Mr Schmidt said Google had a lot of partners in China and was in regular contact with the countrys government about its presence and services.在北京国际创意峰会上,施密特先生说道谷歌在中国有许多合作伙伴。谷歌同中国政府也维持联络,交流谷歌的现状和服务。The interesting thing is that Google never left China, he said.“有意思的是,谷歌根本没离开了过中国。
”他说道。Its presence in the country helped it maintain contact with Chinese companies keen to advertise on Googles services outside the country, Mr Schmidt said.施密特说道,之前谷歌与许多中国公司创建合作,他们都期望可以通过谷歌在中国以外的国家公布广告。
He did not provide details of what Google planned to expand or launch on the Chinese mainland.但是,他没透漏在在中国不断扩大市场或者实行的明确细节。However, industry watchers said it was likely that a Chinese version of Googles Android Play store for apps would be one of the first.然而,产业观察家回应,谷歌所获取iTunes的安卓游戏商店很有可能沦为其在中国的第一步棋。China is a key market for many companies because of its large population and its appetite for hi-tech goods.因为中国的人口众多,又热衷高科技产物,许多公司都将中国列入主要市场。
Mr Brin said last week that Googles recent re-structuring had given the companys units more independence, which might mean some launch in China before others.布林先生在上周回应,谷歌近期将不会再度调整结构,让公司的部门需要更为独立国家,力图领先于其他公司,在中国优先发展项目。Each Alphabet business could now make its own decision about where it operated, he told the Wall Street Journal.他告诉他华尔街日报的记者,现在Alphabet公司早已要求好下一步的发展方向。
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