- 时间:2024-10-31 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:Chinese Internet giant the Alibaba Holding Group denied last Monday that the company made financial contributions to candidates in the recently-concluded US presidential election, after rumors spread that several Chinese financial institut
Chinese Internet giant the Alibaba Holding Group denied last Monday that the company made financial contributions to candidates in the recently-concluded US presidential election, after rumors spread that several Chinese financial institutions and even a Chinese movie star donated tens of millions of dollars to US political causes.最近有谣言称之为几家中国金融机构、甚至一位中国电影明星向美国议会选举总统候选人捐赠了数千万美元,但中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴控股集团于上周一坚称了这一众说纷纭。In addition to Alibaba, China Minsheng Bank, the Fosun Group, One Foundation and Foxconn are all rumored to have donated money.除阿里巴巴之外,据说中国民生银行、复星集团、壹基金以及富士康等都向美国议会选举总统候选人捐出了款。
Zhao Wei, a movie star, was the individual Chinese donor which contributed the most to the presidential race, according to online rumors which did not explain to which candidate the actress or the firms allegedly gave money.跟据网上的谣言称之为,电影明星赵薇是中国向美国总统大选捐助最少的个人,但却并没认为赵薇和这些公司究竟是把钱捐献了哪位候选人。Alibaba said in a statement sent to the Global Times last Monday that the rumors originally spread on WeChat - a Chinese instant messaging app developed by its competitor Tencent Holdings - and added that the public should help identify the original source of these kinds of rumors, which have already affected many companies and individuals.阿里巴巴于上周向来《环球时报》发送到了一份声明,称该谣言最初就是指微信开始传播的。
此外阿里还回应,公众应当协助找到这些早已影响到了很多企业和个人的谣言的来源。WeChat helps rumors circulate to some extent, which then eventually become uncontrollable, Alibaba statement argued.阿里巴巴在声明中回应,微信在或许上助长了谣言的传播,使得谣言最后显得“不能掌控”。
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