- 时间:2024-08-29 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:China has taken Japans No 2 spot for iOS revenue as the revenue more than doubled in the first quarter of 2016 compared to the same period last year, according to the recent statistics released by San Francisco-based analyst firm App Annie
China has taken Japans No 2 spot for iOS revenue as the revenue more than doubled in the first quarter of 2016 compared to the same period last year, according to the recent statistics released by San Francisco-based analyst firm App Annie.旧金山分析公司App Annie近日公布的数据表明,在2016年一季度,我国的iOS营收同比快速增长2倍多,代替日本沦为iOS全球第二大市场。According to the figures, entertainment and music app revenue are on the rise in the US and China, with major apps adding subscription revenue models.该数据表明,随着主流应用于减少订阅者收益模式,中国及美国的娱乐、音乐应用于的营收呈圆形快速增长趋势。
App Annie said the growth was driven almost entirely by games.App Annie称之为,中国的iOS营收快速增长完全几乎靠游戏驱动。Typically being a leading indicator in the market, games are often a strong signal of trends to come. In this case, China passed Japan in both games and overall iOS revenue in the same quarter. said App Annie.App Annie回应:“一般来说作为市场的领先指标的游戏,往往是伴随着未来趋势的反感信号。在这种情况下,比起于日本市场,中国市场在同一季度领先的不仅是iOS应用于总营收,也还包括iOS游戏营收。
”By surpassing Japan, China narrowed in on the US who is currently ranked first in iOS game revenue.在打破日本之后,中国也增大了与美国的差距。目前美国位列iOS游戏营收榜单的第一位。
The company also predicts that if the revenue continues to grow in China, it will surpass the US in the coming quarters.App Annie公司还预测道,如果中国市场的营收之后减少,那么它将不会在下一季度打破美国。
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