- 时间:2024-06-18 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:Baidu Inc announced a new project - Apollo - to open up its autonomous driving platform to its partners, a move to promote the development of self-driving technology.近日,百度公司宣告了一项取名为阿波罗的新计划,目的向其合作伙伴对外开放自动驾驶平台,此举是为了增进自动驾驶技术的发展。
Baidu Inc announced a new project - Apollo - to open up its autonomous driving platform to its partners, a move to promote the development of self-driving technology.近日,百度公司宣告了一项取名为阿波罗的新计划,目的向其合作伙伴对外开放自动驾驶平台,此举是为了增进自动驾驶技术的发展。It plans to introduce fully autonomous driving capacities on highways and urban roads by 2020, the company said.百度称之为,该公司计划于2020年前在高速公路和城市道路上引进仅有自动驾驶能力。By opening up the platform, the company aims to build a collaborative ecosystem, utilizing its strengths in artificial intelligence technology to work together with other companies to accelerate the popularization of autonomous driving technology.通过对外开放这一平台,百度计划创建一个协作生态系统,利用自身在人工智能技术方面的优势与其他公司合作,加快前进自动驾驶技术的普及。It said the Apollo project will provide a complete hardware and software service solution, which includes a vehicle platform, hardware platform, software platform and cloud data services.该公司回应,阿波罗计划将获取原始的软硬件服务解决方案,还包括车辆平台、硬件平台、软件平台和云端数据服务。
Baidu will also open the source code and capabilities in the fields of obstacle perception, trajectory planning, vehicle control, vehicle operating systems, and provide a complete set of testing tools.百度还将对外开放障碍感官、路径规划、车辆掌控、车载操作系统等领域的源代码及能力,并获取整套测试工具。AI has great potential to drive social development, and one of AIs biggest opportunities is intelligent vehicles, said Lu Qi, Baidus president and chief operating officer.百度集团总裁、首席运营官陆奇回应:“人工智能有相当大潜力来推展社会发展,而人工智能仅次于的机会就是智能汽车。
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